sergei demin

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tiny tiny video records

This work emerged from the pandemic`s constraints, prompting reflection on the concept of boundaries, both tangible and symbolic. To capture this moment, I exclusively employed my mobile phone`s video camera. Instead of handling it gently, I let it fall... generating noise and capturing shaky video upon impact 💥

[tiny tiny video records] invites us to consider the idea of digital minimalism, seeking the simplicity in the complexity of modern technology.

audio recording

Are we attached? Can we distract the connection?

Will a technology distraction prevent me from showing you my work?

tiny tiny video records 1
tiny tiny video records 3
tiny tiny video records 2




tiny tiny video records 5
tiny tiny video records 4

[tiny tiny video records] invites us to reflect on our connection with technology, the appeal of simplicity in a digital world, and how the boundaries of our lives are in constant flux.

performed in april 2022 @ wurm, basel